Saturday, 2 April 2011

9. Improve fitness / health

In fairness, I'm not the most unfit person in the world. I don't look out of shape despite my weight fluctuating these past 7 or 8 years between about 10-13 stone - I say about as I very, very rarely weigh myself, I judge mainly by clothes sizes and appearance.

I consider myself to be active, as I referee 3 or 4 football matches every week, albeit not all of them are overly strenuous, whilst I also try and play active, semi-competitive football once or twice a week. There's certainly no problem with my active lifestyle, my main problem is my diet.

If I have or keep my ambitions of progressing as a referee, whilst also wanting to look nice and trim, my diet and overall fitness needs to improve. At some stage in the future, I could have a fitness test to prove my ability as a referee and I know for a fact if I was to take this any time soon I would not pass it. Even prior to that my progress could be hindered by the fact that my diet and fitness isn't good enough to get me refereeing games as well as I could be if it was much better.

My main issue is the beauty of sweets, chocolates and biscuits, as well as irregular eating patterns and unhealthy meals. Because of this, and the need and intention of improving it, I have set a goal to improve it. It is not just for my progression as a referee that I want to improve in this area but as I now enter the beauty and challenge of parenthood, I want to bring up my children in the best possible way which includes keeping them healthy.

To start with, breakfast. This is non-existent in my world. Monday to Friday I sacrifice eating breakfast for either longer in bed or a morning shower. When I get to work I very rarely fetch anything to eat before about 1pm, getting through the morning on just a coffee, not that I am dependent on this. Saturdays and sundays again I very rarely eat anything before going out to referee. Not good to run around for hours on end on an empty stomach.

Then when I do eat, at work it will typically consist of either a meal of chips and something as I can barely afford their prices to eat healthier, or due to eating later and missing the serving of food, I'll end up with pasties and crisps. Not good at all. At weekends, again, very rarely do I have anything particularly substantial for lunch.

I should supplement all of this for a nice hearty evening meal but again this isn't always the case. I don't like not having a good dinner so try to make this the case but it's not always home cooked, it depends on the state of the house, what the plans are etc. Luckily and thankfully, just recently, Milly and her mum go swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays and so her mum does us a dinner each, which are typically always very healthy, very big and very nice! The other days we tend to find ourselves going out for a bite which doesn't always suit the waistline nor the wallet!

So there's even more than diet and fitness that would improve by eating better, I'm sure money would be saved too!

I'll use this target to set myself challenges, or routines etc and identify what I am not doing and ways of improving them. Hopefully this will spur me on to ensure I eat better, as well as ensuring Milly and my children do too, and I'm sure from this my fitness levels will sky rocket, my ability as a referee will improve, my energy at work and at home will improve and life in general will be so much better!

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