Sunday, 1 May 2011

New home

Things have been a little tight just recently, especially since we had to get a new car earlier this month and in my inexperience, bought a 2 litre car which is costing far too much to run. When our old car was on it's way out, we discussed how much we could stretch to between us to get a new one and we agreed about £100 a month. Therefore I was pleased to get this oe for only £86 a month. However, we've had it a month now and have spent over £300 in petrol, up from about £150 on average before.

We've looked at returning it to where we bought it but the garage don't want to know so we're stuck with it until we can sell it privately or find a dealer who will exchange it for something smaller but still fairly new. This hasn't made money any easier to come by and so with the football season ending soon, which will be about a £250 a month loss - minus the traveling costs, we're having to look at new ways of saving money.

Milly's sister has just started renting a new place in Sutton and has asked if we want to stay with them for a while, to save money and also so that we can try and get our house fully sorted. It's only a couple of miles from the train station, whilst the Worksop station is just a stones throw from work so that should save a fair amount of money rather than driving every day. We'll also be able to switch our gas off, use less electricity, cancel the phone bill, tv license and Internet direct debits and hopefully the council tax too. All will add up to quite a good saving. I'll look at where else we can save too.

This will help us get the rest of the stuff we need for baby and also I know we'll enjoy living with Abi and Paul. We've not really decided how long we'll be there for just yet. Originally it was for about 4 months until we've sorted the house but they have said we can stay longer if we want. We wouldn't want to put them out, especially with a new born baby screaming all the time but they've said they don't mind. I think it would be nice for Milly to be with them when baby does come as it saves her being on her own miles from her family, I don't want her being one of these Facebook mums who do nothing all day but sit on a laptop!

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